The Pico laser uses ultra-short pulses that diffuse ink particles with high pressure. As a result, the ink breaks into small dust particles. After they are broken down, these particles are easily absorbed and eliminated by the body through the lymphatic system. The results are better removal of the tattoo and fewer procedures to completely remove it. *
Tattoo removal can feel spicy like a rubberband snapping on your skin. It is important to tet us know if you need a break or feel overwhelming discomfort. *
Done correctly, laser tattoo removal does not cause scarring. In many cases, scarring is already present- it developed at the time of the tattoo and becomes more obvious after the tattoo ink has faded. *
On average, it takes between 6-10 treatments to remove a tattoo. However, Tattoo colour. Skin tone. Layering of tattoos Tattoo location on the body. The health of individual. The amount of ink. Age of the tattoo. And whether the tattoo was done professionally or if it’s an amateur tattoo. *


Do you have or have you engaged in any of the following... *

Answering yes to any of the above questions may result in a rescheduling of your tattoo removal appointment in order to ensure skin safety


Allergic Reactions warning: There have been reports of hypersensitivity to the various tattoo pigments during the tattoo removal process especially if the tattoo pigment Mercury, cobalt or chromium. Upon dissemination, the pigments can induce a severe allergic reaction that can occur with each successive treatment. Noted in some patients are superficial erosions, bruising, blistering, milia, redness and swelling which can last up to many months, years or permanently.

Potential and common side effects that may occur with Picosecond & FOTONA LASER treatments:

• DISCOMFORT may be minimal to moderate. Some areas are more sensitive than others. Topical anesthetic is available for purchase if required. Certain laser treatments include a prescription grade topical anesthetic or can be added on for an additional fee.

• INFLAMMATION which may include irritation, itching, pain, bruising, flaking, ingrown hairs, typically subside/fade in 5-7 days

• ERYTHEMA (redness) and mild to moderate “sunburn” like effects may last for a few hours to 2-5 days

• EDEMA (swelling) of the skin around the treatment site may last 2-5 days, but can be reduced with regular application of a cold gel pack

• PUSTULES or PIMPLES may develop in the first few days following treatment and gradually subside

• TEXTURE CHANGES - Transient texture changes often occur, but usually resolve with time

• BLISTERING, SCABBING or CRUSTING may occur and usually take 4-10 days to heal.

• PETECHIAE may be present after treatment and may last 3 - 5 days. 

• FRECKLES/PIGMENT – Existing freckles/pigment in the treated area may temporarily or permanently disappear

• COINCIDENTAL HAIR REMOVAL – There is a possibility of coincidental hair removal when treating pigmented or vascular lesions in hair-bearing areas

I have read and understand and agree to the risks of treatment *


POST-TREATMENT INSTRUCTIONS - We will email them as well 


Signiture *
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