YPS Transfer Appeal Form

If your transfer request was denied by the administration, the parent or legal guardian of the student may appeal the denial within ten (10) days of notification of denial to the board of education.  The board of education shall consider the appeal at its next regularly scheduled board meeting if notice is provided prior to the statutory deadline for posting the agenda for the meeting.

During the appeal, the board will review the action of the administration to make sure that the district policy was followed with regard to the denial of the transfer.  The board of education will meet in an executive session to review the educational records of the student.  If the policy was not followed, the board of education shall vote to overturn the denial and the transfer will be granted.  This will be an online and/or paper appeal and will include the documentation utilized by the school district as well as a response from the parent or legal guardian which explains why the policy was not followed.

If the board of education votes to uphold the denial of the transfer, the parent or legal guardian may appeal the denial within ten (10) days of the notification of the appeal denial to the State Board of Education.  The parent or legal guardian shall submit to the State Board of Education and to the superintendent of the district, a notice of appeal on the form prescribed by the State Board of Education.  

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