Dog Information
UKC Permenant or TL
Dog's Registered Name
Dog's Call Name
Breed Selction A-M
Affenpinscher AFP
Afghan Hound AH
Airedale Terrier AT
Akbash Dog AKB
Akita AK
Alaskan Klee Kai (Toy, Miniature, Standard) ALKAI
Alaskan Malamute ALML
Alentejo Mastiff ALENT
Alpine Dachsbracke AD
American Black & Tan Coonhound B&T
American Bulldog ABD
American Bully ABY
American Eskimo (Miniature, Standard) AE
American Foxhound AF
American Hairless Terrier (Coated, Hairless) AHT
American Leopard Hound ALH
American Pit Bull Terrier APBT
American Water Spaniel AWS
Anatolian Shepherd ANAT
Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie AFVP
Appenzeller APN
Ariegeois ARI
Australian Cattle Dog ACD
Australian Kelpie KELP
Australian Shepherd AS
Australian Terrier AUST
Austrian Black and Tan Hound AUBT
Austrian Pinscher AUPN
Azawakh AZ
Barbet BAR
Basenji BAS
Basset Artesian Normand BAN
Basset Bleu de Gascogne BBDG
Basset Fauve de Bretagne BFDB
Basset Hound BH
Bavarian Mountain Hound BMH
Beagle BGL
Beagle Harrier BGLH
Bearded Collie BEARD
Beauceron BEAU
Bedlington Terrier BED
Belgian Shepherd Dog (Gronendael, Laekenois, Malinois, Tervueren) BSD
Bergamasco BERG
Berger de Pyrenees (Rough-Faced, Smooth-Faced) BPYR
Berger Picard PICRD
Bernese Mountain Dog BMD
Bichon Frise BF
Biewer Terrier BWT
Black Forest Hound BFH
Black Mouth Cur BLKCUR
Black Russian Terrier BRT
Bloodhound BLD
Bluetick Coonhound BLU
Bolognese BOL
Border Collie BC
Border Terrier BORDR
Borzoi BORZ
Boston Terrier BT
Bouvier des Ardennes BDARD
Bouvier des Flandres BDF
Boxer BOX
Boykin Spaniel BOYKN
Bracco Italiano BRACC
Braque D’Auvergne BDA
Braque de l’Ariege BDLA
Braque du Bourbonnais BDB
Braque Francais, de Grande Taille BFGT
Braque Francais, de Petite Taille BFPT
Braque Saint-Germain BSG
Briard BRIAR
Briquet Griffon Vendeen BGV
Brittany BRIT
Brussels Griffon BG
Bull Terrier BULLT
Bullmastiff BULLM
Ca de Bestier CDB
Cairn Terrier CAIRN
Canaan Dog CANAN
Canadian Eskimo Dog CED
Cane Corso Italiano CORSO
Cao de Castro Laboreiro CDCL
Cardigan Welsh Corgi WCC
Carolina Dog CAROL
Catalan Sheepdog CTLSD
Caucasian Ovcharka CAUC
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel CKCS
Central Asian Shepherd Dog CASD
Cesky Fousek CSKYF
Cesky Terrier CESKY
Chart Polski CHART
Chesapeake Bay Retriever CHES
Chien D’Artois CDA
Chien Francais Blanc et Noir CFBN
Chien Francais Tricolore CFT
Chihuahua CHI
Chinese Crested CC
Chinese Shar-Pei CSP
Chinook CHNK
Chow Chow CHOW
Cimarron Uruguayo CMUR
Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin CRC
Ciobanesc Romanesc Miortic CRM
Cirneco dell’Etna CDE
Clumber Spaniel CLUMB
Cocker Spaniel CS
Collie (Rough, Smooth) COL
Coton de Tulear COTON
Croatian Sheepdog CROSD
Curly-Coated Retriever CCR
Czechoslovakian Vlcak CHV
Dachshund (Miniature, Standard) DH
Dalmatian DAL
Dandie Dinmont DAN
Danish Broholmer DANB
Danish-Swedish Farmdog DSF
Deutsche Bracke DB
Deutscher Wachtelhund DW
Doberman Pinscher DP
Dogo Argentino DOGO
Dogue de Bordeaux DDB
Drentse Patrijshond DPAT
Drever DREV
Dunker DUNK
Dutch Shepherd DUTCH
Dutch Smoushond DSMSH
East Siberian Laika ESL
English Bulldog EB
English Cocker Spaniel ECS
English Coonhound ENG
English Foxhound EF
English Pointer EP
English Setter ES
English Shepherd ESHEP
English Springer Spaniel ESS
English Toy Spaniel ETS
Entlebucher ENT
Epagneul Bleu de Picardie EBDR
Epagneul Breton EBRTN
Epagneul Picard EPP
Epagneul Pont-Audemer EPA
Estrela Mountain Dog EMD
Eurasian EUR
Field Spaniel FSP
Finnish Hound FH
Finnish Lapphund FL
Finnish Spitz FS
Flat-Coated Retriever FCR
Francais Blanc Et Orange FBO
French Bulldog FB
French Spaniel FRSP
Fresian Water Dog FRWD
German Longhaired Pointer GLP
German Pinscher GP
German Rough-Haired Pointer GRHP
German Shepherd Dog GSD
German Shorthaired Pointer GSP
German Spitz (Klein / Mittel) GRSPZ
German Wirehaired Pointer GWP
Giant Schnauzer GS
Glen Of Imaal Terrier GLEN
Golden Retriever GR
Gordon Setter GORDN
Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen GBGV
Grand Bleu de Gascogne GBDG
Grand Gascon-Saintongeois GGS
Grand Griffon Vendeen GGV
Great Anglo-Francais Tricolor Hound GATCH
Great Anglo-Francais White and Black Hound GAWBH
Great Anglo-Francais White and Orange Hound GAWOH
Great Dane DANE
Great Pyrenees PYR
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog GSMD
Greenland Dog GD
Greyhound GH
Griffon bleu de Gascogne GRBDG
Griffon Fauve de Bretegne GFDB
Griffon Nivernais GRNIV
Haldenstover HALD
Hamiltonstovare HAML
Hanoverian Hound HAN
Harrier HR
Havanese HAV
Hellenic Hound HH
Hokkaido HOK
Hovawart HOV
Hungarian Greyhound HGH
Hungarian Wire-Haired Vizsla HWV
Hygen Hound HYH
Ibizan Hound IBIZN
Icelandic Sheepdog ID
Irish Red & White Setter IRW
Irish Setter IS
Irish Terrier IT
Irish Water Spaniel IWS
Irish Wolfhound IW
Istrian Coarse-Haired Hound ICHH
Istrian Short-Haired Hound ISHH
Italian Greyhound IG
Italian Hound IH
Jack Russell Terrier JRT
Jagdterrier JAGD
Japanese Akita JAK
Japanese Chin JCH
Japanese Spitz JSPZ
Japanese Terrier JT
Jindo JIN
Kangal Dog KAN
Karelian Bear Dog KBD
Karst Shepherd Dog KSHPD
Keeshond KEES
Kerry Blue Terrier KBT
Kishu KISU
Komondor KOM
Kooikerhondje KOOK
Kromfohrlander KROM
Kuvasz KUV
Labrador Retriever LR
Lagotto Romagnolo LAGR
Lakeland Terrier LAKE
Lancashire Heeler LH
Lapinporokoira LAPIN
Leonberger LEON
Lhasa Apso LHASA
Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog LCLD
Lowchen LOW
Lundehund LUND
Majorca Mastiff MJM
Maltese MLT
Manchester Terrier (Toy, Standard) MT
Maremma Sheepdog MARM
Mastiff MASTF
Miniature American Shepherd MAS
Miniature Bull Terrier MBT
Miniature Pinscher MINPN
Miniature Schnauzer MS
Montenegrin Mountain Hound MMH
Mountain Cur MTCUR
Mountain Fiest MTFST
Multi-Colored Poodle (Toy & Miniature) MCPDL
Multi-Colored Standard Poodle MCSTP
Munsterlander, Large LMUN
Munsterlander, Small SMUN
Breed Selection N-Y
Neapolitan Mastiff NEA
Newfoundland NEWF
Norfolk Terrier NRFLK
Norrbottenspetz NORB
Norwegian Buhund NBUH
Norwegian Elkhound NE
Norwich Terrier NORW
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever NSDTR
Old Danish Pointing Dog ODBD
Old English Sheepdog OES
Olde English Bulldogge OEB
Otterhound OTTER
Owczarek Podhalanski OPOD
Papillon PAPN
Parson Russell Terrier (10-12.5 / over 12.5 -15) PRT
Patterdale Terrier PAT
Pekingese PEK
Pembroke Welsh Corgi WCP
Perdiguero de Burgos PDB
Perro de Presa Canario PRESA
Peruvian Inca Orchid PIO
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen PBGV
Petit Bleu de Gascogne PBDG
Petit Gascon-Saintongeois PGS
Pharaoh Hound PHARH
Plott Hound PLT
Podenco Canario PODC
Podengo Portugueso (Grande Smooth, Grande Wire, Medio Smooth, Medio Wire, Pequeno Smooth, Pequeno Wire) PODG
Poitevin POIT
Polish Hound PH
Polski Owczarek Nizinny PON
Pomeranian POM
Poodle (Toy & Miniature) POODL
Porcelaine PORC
Portuguese Pointer PORTP
Portuguese Sheepdog PORSD
Portuguese Water Dog PWD
Posavaz Hound POSH
Pudelpointer PUDL
Pyrenean Mastiff PYRM
Rat Terrier (Miniature, Standard) RAT
Redbone Coonhound RED
Rhodesian Ridgeback RR
Rottweiler RT
Russian-European Laika REL
Russkiy Toy / Russian Toy RUSKY
Saarloosewolfdog SAAR
Saint Bernard SAINT
Saluki SAL
Samoyed SAM
Sarplaninac SAR
Schapendoes SCHA
Schiller Hound SCRH
Schipperke SCH
Scottish Deerhound SD
Scottish Terrier SCT
Sealyham Terrier SET
Serbian Hound SERH
Serbian Tricolor Hound SERTH
Shetland Sheepdog SS
Shih Tzu SHIH
Shikoku SHIK
Siberian Husky SH
Silken Windhound SKWH
Silky Terrier SILKY
Skye Terrier SKYE
Sloughi SLO
Slovak Cuvac SC
Slovakian Wire-Haired Pointing Dog SLWPD
Smaland Hound SMLD
Small Swiss Hound SSWH
Smooth Fox Terrier SFT
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier SCWT
South African Boerboel SAB
South Russian Shepherd Dog SRSD
Spanish Greyhound SPGH
Spanish Hound SPH
Spanish Mastiff SMAST
Spanish Water Dog SWD
Spinone Italiano SPIN
Sporting Lucas Terrier SPORT
Stabyhoun STAB
Staffordshire Bull Terrier SBT
Standard Poodle STDPDL
Standard Schnauzer SSCH
Stephens’ Cur STCUR
Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog STCD
Styrian Coarse-Haired Hound STCHH
Sussex Spaniel SUSSX
Swedish Elkhound SWEH
Swedish Lapphund SL
Swedish Vallhund SV
Swiss Hound SWH
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier TRT
Thai Ridgeback THAI
Tibetan Mastiff TM
Tibetan Spaniel TS
Tibetan Terrier TT
Tornjak TJAK
Tosa Ken TOSA
Toy Fox Terrier TFT
Transylvanian Hound TSVH
Treeing Cur TRCUR
Treeing Feist TREF
Treeing Walker Coonhound TW
Tyrolean Hound TROH
Vizsla VIZ
Volpino Italiano VOLPI
Weimaraner WEIM
Welsh Hound WHND
Welsh Springer Spaniel WSS
Welsh Terrier WT
West Highland White Terrier WHWT
West Siberian Laika WSL
Westphalian Dachsbracke WDCH
Whippet WH
White Shepherd WS
Wire Fox Terrier WFT
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon WHPG
Xoloitzcuintli (Toy, Miniature, Standard) XOLO
Yorkshire Terrier YT
Date of Birth
Height at Withers
Jump Height
Owner Information
Owner First Name
Owner Last name
Email Address
Phone Number
Street Address
Address Line 2
Zip Code
Entry Details - Obedience
Which Class(es) are you entering for
Saturday (3/2) Show 1
Pre Novice
Beginner Novice
Novice A
Novice B
Novice C
Advanced Novice
Open A
Open B
Advanded Open
Utility A
Utility B
Which Class(es) are you entering for
Saturday (3/2)
Show 2
Pre Novice
Beginner Novice
Novice A
Novice B
Novice C
Advanced Novice
Open A
Open B
Advanded Open
Utility A
Utility B
Which Class(es) are you entering for
Sunday (3/3)
Show 1
Pre Novice
Beginner Novice
Novice A
Novice B
Novice C
Advanced Novice
Open A
Open B
Advanded Open
Utility A
Utility B
Which Class(es) are you entering for
Sunday (3/3)
how 2
Pre Novice
Beginner Novice
Novice A
Novice B
Novice C
Advanced Novice
Open A
Open B
Advanded Open
Utility A
Utility B
Current Total:
1) I understand that a 5% transaction fee will be added to each entry submission & is included in the total calculation.
2)I understand my entry form is not submitted until payment is completed.
3) I understand that online entry requires a separate entry form be completed for each dog and each event.
We want you to keep the points earned at UKC Licensed events.
* Important things to remember: • Dog not UKC registered? Apply for a Temporary Listing Number ( TL) online at TL fees are non-refundable, non-transferable and do not apply to the cost of permanent registration.) • All dogs entering UKC events must be permanently registered, have a valid Temporary Listing Number, or a Performance Listing number. • All entry forms must be completed and signed. Incorrect information submitted on the entry form may invalidate your wins.
• To be eligible to enter into the Breeder/Handler class, you must be one of the breeders of record, or a member of the immediate family of one of the breeders of record. Immediate family includes: spouse, parent, step-parent, child, step-child, sibling, grandchild, or in-law, so long as the handler is not a professional handler as defined by UKC Rules and Regulations.
The United Kennel Club complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require an accommodation, please contact the Event Chair or Secretary for this club’s event.
I have read and understand UKC's entry waiver. I swear that this dog is not being handled by a professional handler in conformation. Event Participation Waiver All events are held under the Official Rules and Regulations of the United Kennel Club. Absolutely no illegal drugs or firearms will be allowed on the grounds or in the buildings on the day of a UKC Licensed event. UKC, its agents and employees, and the host club assume no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by spectators or by exhibitors and handlers, or to any of their dogs or property, and further assume no responsibility for injury to children not under the control of their parents or guardians. UKC and the host club are not responsible for loss, accidents or theft.
By signing this form, I hereby agree to release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue UKC, its judges, officers, employee and agents and the host club from liability arising from any claim, action, or lawsuit, including the negligence of the UKC, its judges, officers, employee and agents, and further agree to indemnify and hold UKC, the host club and any approved UKC Judge harmless from any claims, actions or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from my participation in this event, and any action, decision or judgment made by any UKC or host club representative or approved Judge under the official UKC Rules and Regulations governing this event.
I acknowledge that the current Official UKC Rules and Regulations (Agility, Conformation, Dock Jumping, Drag Racing, Junior Showmanship, Lure Coursing, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Weight Pull, Precision Coursing) have been made available to me, and that I am familiar with their contents. My signature indicates that I understand and agree to the above and to abide by all of the current Official UKC Rules and Regulations. I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue.
I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
I agree
All events are held under the Official Rules and Regulations of the United Kennel Club, Inc. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages, gambling, illegal drugs or firearms will be allowed on the grounds or in the buildings on the day of a UKC Licensed event. UKC, its agents and employees, and the host club assume no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by spectators or by exhibitors and handlers, or to any of their dogs or property, and further assume no responsibility for injury to children not under the control of their parents or guardians. UKC and the host club are not responsible for loss, accidents or theft. By signing this form, I hereby agree to waive any claim, action, or lawsuit and further agree to indemnify and hold UKC, the host club and any approved UKC Judge harmless from any claims, actions or lawsuits resulting from my participation in this event, and any action, decision or judgment made by any UKC or host club representative or approved Judge under the official UKC Rules and Regulations governing this event. I acknowledge that the current Official UKC Rules and Regulations (Agility, Conformation, Dog Sport, Junior Showmanship, Obedience, Terrier Race, Weight Pull) have been made available to me, and that I am familiar with their contents. My signature indicates that I understand and agree to the above and to abide by all of the current Official UKC Rules and Regulations
I agree
Cancellation Policy: The Southeastern American Eskimo Dog Association will refund all entries in the case of a natural disaster or if the shows must be cancelled. We will refund if a female comes into season and said female is entered in either Obedience or Rally Obedience. Proof from a licensed veterinarian must be submitted or the exhibitor must bring female to the attention of one of the club members so that the female can be examined using a tissue. A full refund, subject to a $2.50 administration fee collected by UKC on each entry, will be made in such cases. There is NO refund if female is entered in Conformation. Entry fees shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused or for errors on the entry forms. Owners are responsible for accuracy of information on the entry forms. Changes, additions, or corrections to entry forms must be submitted in writing or via email and received by the TRIAL SECRETARY BEFORE 6:00 pm, February 28. Entries will not be accepted without fees or signature.
I agree
I have read and agree to the waiver on this form.
Optional upload of pdf entry form
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