Please complete this form for the following venues:

Lake Merced Boathouse

Mission Creek Park Pavilion

Sunnyside Conservatory

Trocadero Clubhouse at Sigmond Stern Grove

For all other indoor facility rentals, see the Indoor Facility Rentals page of our website.


For these venues, reservations can be requested no less than 30 days in advance and no more than one year in advance of your event date. Wedding requests at these sites receive priority based on historical precedent.

Because of the popularity of these venues, we strongly recommend you submit requests as soon as your preferred date becomes available (no more than one year in advance of your preferred date).

Request Forms Received EXACTLY One Year in Advance: Should we receive more than one request form for the same date, time, and location our office will conduct a randomized lottery to determine who will receive the reservation. For example, if multiple applications are received on September 1, 2025 for a reservation on September 1, 2026, a lottery will be conducted. Only one request form can be entered into the randomized lottery, per event, per date.

Request Forms Received LESS THAN One Year in Advance: Request forms received less than one year in advance are processed on a first-come-first-serve basis.

For more information about each venue, see below:

  • Lake Merced Boathouse; venue info 
  • Mission Creek Park Pavilion; venue info
  • Stern Grove Clubhouse (Trocadero); venue info 
  • Sunnyside Conservatory; venue info. Events for children or teens are not permitted at this venue; including youth birthday parties.


This form is a request only, and does not constitute a reservation or a permit. Our team will review all requests and contact you regarding date availability.

Contact Information

Primary Contact:

Secondary Contact:

Event Request Details

I understand that I may not apply for a date that is more than one year in advance of my proposed event date. *

What type of event are you requesting? *

Indoor Special Event Venue Site and Date:                   
REMINDER: These three sites CANNOT be reserved more than one year in advance of your proposed event date. Do NOT complete this form if your preferred date is more than one year away.

Time of Event (include time for set up/take down):
All wedding reservations have a two hour minimum and must be in made in full hour (60 minute) increments; e.g., 2:00-5:00pm or 2:30-5:30pm.


Food and Beverage:
Will There Be a Caterer or Food Truck For This Event? *

Alcoholic Beverages:
Are you requesting permission to serve alcoholic beverages? *

Amplified Sound:
Note: A small battery-powered speaker is permittable for human voice (during ceremony, speeches, and ambient ceremony music). If you are planning for more than this, please select yes below and describe in detail. Not all sites can accomodate amplified sound, and additional fees will apply.
Will there be amplified sound at your event? *

Tables, Chairs, Tents, Fences, Stages:
Will your event set up include any tables or chairs *
Will your event have tents erected? *
Will your event set up have any other types of equipment/infrastructure? *

Additional Information

Will there be an admission fee or tickets: *
Will this event be publicized generally: *
Waste Collection and Removal. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to collect and remove all waste generated by their event. There are no dumpsters available for event waste. *

Application Processing

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:  The above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.  I understand that the permit is granted on the basis of the information supplied in the application, and that the permit may be denied or revoked if found to be incorrect and/or incomplete. If my event changes, I must file a new amended application. I further understand that the City may monitor the event, and that failure to comply with any conditions placed on the permit approval or local law my result in the immediate revocation of the permit.

This form is not a reservation or a permit, this is a request for a site on a specific date. Our team will review all requests and follow up with you to confirm availability.