Reasonable Adjustment/Special Consideration Request

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The LTA is committed to ensuring that our qualifications and courses are accessible for all, which is why it is vital that all learners where possible outline any reasonable adjustments/or special considerations you may require prior to attending the course.
This process covers two key areas:
Reasonable Adjustments
These are defined as adjustments made prior to the delivery of a qualification and should be in place before a learner takes an assessment to enable a learner with specific needs to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding to the levels of attainment required by the specification for the qualification.
Examples of potential Reasonable Adjustments may include:
A learner has provided evidence that they have dyslexia or a learning difficulty and require additional time during written assessments
A learner has a medical condition or is visually impaired may require all resources to be printed on specific coloured paper or sent out to them prior to the assessment
A learner is physically unable to demonstrate a particular skill and requires flexibility to do so or a third party to demonstrate under direction.
Special Considerations
These are defined as the implementation of arrangements given to learners who have temporarily experienced an illness, injury, or some other event outside of their control which has affected their ability to take an assessment or demonstrate their level of attainment in an assessment situation.
Examples of potential Special Considerations may include:
A learner is diagnosed with an illness that has affected their attendance on a qualification and it could prevent them completing it within the specified timeframe.
A learner missed a component of an assessment or was not present at the time of assessment due to circumstances beyond their control.
A learner has not been certified for a qualification they have completed due to an administrational or IT issue outside of their control.

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