Tennis Scotland Schools Roadshow fund 2025
Name of registering coach:
Coach email:
Venue name:
Is this a club and coach partnership approach:
Lead club contact and email
What is the date of your BIG TENNIS WEEKEND?:
Please provide the online booking link for your event:
Please provide a detailed plan of your school tasters sessions, including schools, number of hours/session and estimated number of pupils taking part:
Please provide the name of your school contact or Active Schools Coordinator:
Do you plan to complete any targeted work to attract underrepresented groups:
What enticing follow on activity and membership offers will you be promoting at your open day / LTA Youth Start programme:
Do you currently use ClubSpark to manage membership and coaching:
If your venue does not use Clubspark or other online booking system, how will provide insight on the success of your school tasters: Please note, you may be asked to set up Clubspark if no suitable alternative is available.
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