Venue Entry 2025

Welcome to the Play Your Way to Wimbledon 2025. We're glad you want to host an event!
All venues hosting a Play Your Way to Wimbledon competition must be LTA registered venues (clubs, parks & schools).
To register your event and receive your Play Your Way to Wimbledon resource pack, please complete this application form by Sunday 2nd February. Packs will be delivered w/c 24th February 2025.
Events must take place between 3rd March and 25th May 2025. Venues must submit their online 'Venue Player Winners Form' by 27th May - this link will be sent out in due course.
Note: If you have created your event via the LTA Competition Management System you do not need to complete this form.
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Venue not listed?
If your venue isn't listed here, please get in touch with us at and we can help.
I confirm that I (the organiser) will have a valid and in-date DBS (or PVG in Scotland) on the day of the event and that my event will run at an LTA registered venue, as per the LTA safeguarding policy. I understand that I will not be eligible for a pack if either of these conditions are not met. *
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