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Are you a citizen of the United States? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? *
Have you held a CDL Permit Prior? *
Do you understand that you are responsible for all fees at the DMV associated with testing for your Class A CDL Permit? *


Did you graduate high school or did you receive a GED? *

Emergency Contact

Class Program

Select your class *

Class Payment

TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC CDL program is cost of

4-Week at $3,500 plus tax

3-Week at  $3,000 plus tax

2-Week at $2,500 plus tax

Which is required by the first day of the class. To reserve your space within the program a seat deposit of $500 plus tax is required before the first day of the program. The seat deposit is included in the total of the course. In addition, you are permitted ONE seat change ONE week before the start date of the course before additional fees are applied. Additional seat changes will result in a fee of $250 plus tax per seat change.

Insufficient payment and bounced checks will incur a an additional fee of $250. If payment should not be delivered at all, TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC will be entitled to contact a debt collection service. In addition, the following terms and conditions apply: NO REFUNDS. This agreement is binding, and failure to meet its terms will allow TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC to take certain recourse.


I hereby agree to the payment agreement established by TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC that the full amount to be paid by the beginning of the first day of the class. *
I hereby agree that if I pay with a credit card there will be a 4% credit card transaction fee added to the total cost of the program. *
How will you be paying for the program? *
I agree that if I quit or get fired from the Company that is paying for my CDL School, I will be liable for complete payment. Payment is due to TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting within 7 days of the start of the class. *

Class Date

CDL Training Disclosure

Due to the high volume of testing with the State, we are limited to the spots we are allowed to test. TFH Safety Solutions test's 3 (three) students every Monday and 3 (three) students every Tuesday. 

You must hold your Class A CDL Permit for 14 days before you are alowed to skills test.

So to alleviate a back log in testing and to ensure you are in and out of the program in a timely manner it is important that you have all your documentations in place and you attend class everyday.

I acknowledged that I read the statement above and I understand that testing is conducted only on Monday and Tuesday. *
During the CDL program offered by TFH Safety Solutions and Consulting, certain situations arise as to where a student is offered the opportunity to test out at an earlier date, this is often due to a class or individual excelling at a rate higher than average. When this occurs all the instructors and the course administration meet and review the evaluations and decide which students would be best fit for this, if you are offered the opportunity to test early, it is simply an offer, you may choose to decline, however if you take the test and fail, it is on you and it is your responsibility to pay the retest fee $300.00 plus tax. 
I understand that if I am offered the opportunity to test early, it is simply an offer, you may choose to decline, however if you take the test and fail, it is on you and it is your responsibility to pay the retest fee $300.00 plus tax. *

At the end of your program if you are not ready to test or need additional help, you will be required to to pay an additional $65 dollars per hour to remain in class. We will provide all means necessary for your success however the hard work and nerves are up to you.  We do not guarantee the outcome of any course offered. 

I acknowledged that I read the statement above and agree to the terms mentioned *

Due to the high volume of testing, we are limited to the spots we are allowed to test in.  So to alleviate a back log in testing and to ensure you are in and out of the program in a timely manner we ask that before the start of class you go to the motor vehicle deptartment and take the tankers endorsement test and have it added to your permit. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

You must have your tanker endorsement no latter than 3 days into the program. ( You have to have your permit 14 days before you are allowed to test)

I acknowledged that I will need to add the tankers endorsement to my CDL Permit *

I WILL NOT be adding the tanker endorsement to my permit for the reason listed below. (Please inform TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting that you are declining tankers. There is an additional form that needs to be completed)

Alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs

I hereby consent to submit to a drug or alcohol test and to furnish a sample of my urine, breath, and/or blood for analysis, as shall be determined by TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC in order to meet with their policy regarding the selection of applicants for training purposes.

I further authorize and give full permission to have to TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC to send the specimens collected to a laboratory for a screening test for the presence of any prohibited substances under the policy, and for the laboratory or other testing facility to release any and all documentation relating to such test to TFH Safety Solutions and Consulting, LLC.

I understand that it is the current use of illegal drugs or alcohol would prohibit me from being in the CDL Program with TFH Safety Solutions. I have carefully read the foregoing and fully understand its contents. I acknowledge that my signing of this consent and release form is a voluntary act on my part and that I have not been coerced into signing this document by anyone.

For any reason, if you test positive on any Drug or Alcohol test you will be required wait a full 30-day probation period before you are allowed to continue training at TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC. In addition, you will be required to pay these additional fees.

$250.00 Administrative Laboratory Fee for all positive tests

$250.00 Re-Seat Fee (moving to the next class)

$100.00 Drug and Alcohol Re-Test Fee

The total of $600.00 to be paid to TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting prior to the start of your program.

4-Week Program Only
All 4-Week students will be required to take two (2) drug tests. The first drug test will be a NON-DOT (this is your pre-enrollment drug test). We are unable to give you a DOT drug test until you have your Class A CDL Permit. 

Once you have your Permit you will then be required to complete a DOT Drug Test for the "safety sensative position" of driving a commercial vechicle. 

Do you agree to take two drug tests? *
If you were to test positive on any drug test or alcohol test you will be required to come to TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting and complete our withdrawal process. The completion of this form is especially important to students to prevent problems that may surface when students do not properly withdraw from school. *

Final Disclosure

I understand that I will need to have a full Class A CDL permit. This includes the general knowledge test, combination test, air brakes test and tankers test. (If you are from Texas, you will also take the Texas Special Requirements.) *

I hereby agree to the terms, policies, or conditions set forth by any signed agreements made between myself and TFH Safety Solutions & Consulting, LLC. By signing this agreement, all parties agree to the terms as described above. Alterations to this agreement can only be made by both parties and must be placed in writing. 

Would you like a copy of your enrollment form for the CDL training program? *
Student Signature *
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