Authority to Act

Accident Compensation Corporation

By signing below I authorise Lowthers Tax Limited to act as my agent for ACC levy purposes for the above identified entities. Authority is given to obtain information, query and change information on our ACC levy account(s) through all ACC media and communication channels, and until further notice.

Inland Revenue Department

By signing below I authorise Lowthers Tax Limited to act as my agent for tax purposes for the above identified individual or entity below. Authority is given to obtain, query and change information, through all Inland Revenue media and communication channels, on our tax account(s) for all tax types, except child support, and until further notice.

By signing below I authorise IRD credits to be credited to Lowthers Tax Limited trust account where necessary.

By signing below I authorise Lowthers Tax Limited, as my tax agency to sign tax returns on my behalf where necessary.

Other Third Parties

By signing below I authorise Lowthers Tax Limited to act as my agent to obtain information for the below identified entities from other third parties including my bank and financial institutions, to assist in the performance of their duties.

Signature *
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