| Yes | No |
Chronic fever / unexpected weight loss or gain / fatigue? |
Ear/Nose/Throat problems (e.g., hearing loss, sinus problems, sore throat?) |
Heart problems (e.g., chest pain, irregular heartbeat, swelling of feet, cold hands/feet? |
Respiratory problems (e.g., shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing)? |
Gastrointestinal problems (e.g., heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting)? |
Genitournimary problems (e.g., painful urination, blood in urine, sex organ problems)? |
Musculoskeletal problems (e.g., muscle aches, joint pain, swollen joints)? |
Skin problems (e.g., rashes, excessive dryness, growths or lumps)? |
Neurological problems (e.g., numbness, weakness, headaches, blackouts)? |
Psychiatric problems (e.g., depression, anxiety)? |
Endocrine problems (e.g., frequent urination, thirst, feeling hot or cold much of the time)? |
Blood/Lymph problems (e.g., bruising, weakness, unusual paleness, swollen glands |
Immune problems (e.g., frequent infections; allergic reactions to foods, dust, pollens)? |