Contact Lens Prescriptions Expire Yearly
Professional Standards of Care require that all people who wear contact lenses have a full comprehensive exam and contact lens evaluation at least once every year. We will not dispense contact lenses or write a contact lens prescription without a yearly comprehensive eye exam and contact lens evaluation, including all necessary follow-up visits.
Additional Professional Fees Apply Towards Contact Lens Evaluations
This fee is dependent on the level of complexity of the fitting process which is determined by the doctor evaluating your vision requirements, the type of contact lenses needed and the health of your eyes.
Follow-up Visits for Contact Lenses
Ongoing follow-up visits as needed are included in the professional fee for up to 90 days. It is the patient's responsibility to communicate with our office if any changes are desired within the fitting time frame. Additional visits outside of the initial 90 days will be charged $70 per visit.
The evaluation fees do not include the price on contact lenses, outside of diagnostics, and are as follows:
Level 1 $110 Soft spherical single vision contact lenses
Level 2 $169 Soft toric single vision contact lenses requiring follow-up visit(s)
Level 3 $210 Multi-focal or mono-fit soft contact lenses, extended range astigmatism
soft toric contact lenses, single vision hybrid contact lenses, single vision RGP
Level 4 $299 Multi-focal hybrid or RGP, multi-focal soft toric contact lenses, post-RK refit
Level 5 $425 CRT re-fit
Level 6 $925 Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT) initial fitting (over 18 years.),
keratoconus hybrid or RGP, or high myopia (>10 D) medically necessary,
or post-RK initial fitting
Level 7 $1750 Scleral Lens Fitting
Myopia Management--see separate policy
If you are unsure which level evaluation your eyes require, please address this concern with the doctor prior to proceeding with contact lenses.
I have read and by signing, I understand that if
I choose to be fit with contact lenses, I am financially responsible for all fees not covered by my vision benefits.