Advanced Placement Testing

To register for a Paramedic Course as an Advanced Placement student with reduced class time and/or reduced clinical requirements, the candidate will need to challenge AEC's Advanced Placement (AP) written exam and AP psychomotor skills assessment.
The AP exam and skills assessment can only be challenged by current AEMT's, Intermediates, and RN's. RN's challenge the exam and skills session as an Intermediate.
The AP written exam must be completed prior to registering for a Paramedic Course. If you register for paramedic course as an AP student PRIOR to passing the AP written exam, your registration will be refunded by check and your seat will not be held. The AP psychomotor skills assessment will take place after Orientation.
Current Certification Level *
Which class are you interested in attending? *
The $50.00 AP testing fee is non-refundable and awards the candidate two attempts at the AP written exam. Upon successful completion of the AP written exam, the testing fee will be credited towards the overall tuition. Registration for a Paramedic Course must be completed within 12 months of a successful exam completion date. If unsuccessful, the testing fee is forfeited and the candidate will need to wait a period of 90 days before being eligible to register again. *