Thank you for your interest in serving on the Intercessor Team at Bethel Austin. The Bethel Austin Intercessor Group is an invitation only group. Everyone is an intercessor and we definitely want everyone to pray, however our assignment is specific to the church, the church leaders, and their assignments and callings.
As such we have an application process that we ask you to complete. Once your application has been reviewed, we’ll connect with you and if the fit is right for both you and us, you will be invited to join us for a trial period of 6 weeks. During this time you’ll be with us for both our in-person and virtual meetings. At the end of this trial period, we’ll meet together to discuss the next steps.
Please note the requirements for being part of the team, which can be found at the beginning of the application.
Once your application is submitted, we’ll let you know if you need to book a SOZO session and give you the info you need in order to do so.
We love creating an environment of authenticity, accountability and safety so please be assured that none of the questions on the application automatically qualify/disqualify you from serving as an intercessor and will be handled with strict confidentiality.
We are looking forward to journeying with you through this process. Thank you for your heart to serve and your 'yes'.