Jr. Ranger Club

Fun activities for our future Rangers!

One of the most important traits of a Park Ranger is the desire to learn about the world around us. This program provides a fun and educational activity that connects kids of all ages with nature. Participants can also pick up a Junior Ranger activity book which will allow them to become official Junior Rangers!
Bring: Sunscreen, hat, water, comfortable shoes
Meet: Park Headquarters
Cost: Park entry fee is $5 for adults and FREE 12 & under (Park entry free with Texas State Park Pass.).
*Events and programs are subject to cancellation due to weather. Please contact park staff for more information and the latest updates.
Please Note:
You will receive an instant registration confirmation via email. 
Email thomas.riddle@tpwd.texas.gov
Program dates available: *
(23 remaining)
Email and Phone Number is collected to contact you for event updates. Your information will not be utilized for any other purpose.
Please confirm that you will notify us if you are no longer able to attend. You can email thomas.riddle@tpwd.texas.gov. *
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