If you have an accident proceed as follows:-
• Ensure everyone is out of risk of danger of further accidents. Safety of the students is paramount. Wear the high-vis vest if necessary.
• If any persons are injured, you must notify the police from the scene.
• Fill in the ‘If you have an accident’ form, which should be on board the bus, giving the tear-off strip to the other party.
• From the scene, phone the OneBus insurance claims line, on 0808 100 8181 and advise what has happened. If there is no mobile reception, please ENSURE you phone the claims line as soon as you can
after leaving the scene.
• Ensure the Bus Coordinator, the Transport Manager and the school are notified immediately, whether there are injuries or not, and request further transport if necessary (see back cover for phone numbers).
• Taking care not to put yourself at risk, take photos of the scene, including: -
area photos showing vehicle positions
damage to both vehicles
any skid marks on the road
• As soon as possible (within two hours if you can) fill in details of the accident on the OneBus form and upload any photos. See button at the bottom of this page for access to this form.
• Details of any personal injury sustained on a OneBus vehicle must be logged in the school’s accident record and also sent to OneBus for entry in their records. Any minor episode involving damage to, or caused by, a OneBus vehicle, but where there is no physical injury and no apparent reason for an insurance claim, should be reported immediately to the Bus Coordinator and the Transport Manager, who will decide how best to rectify the matter. Minor breakages, bumps, dents and scratches should, if possible, be repaired locally, as any insurance claim will contribute towards a higher future premium.