CUTC New Membership Application

Do you qualify?
Any organized center, institute, division, unit, or specifically identifiable organization devoted to transportation research, education and technology transfer, which is an integral part of a university, college, or post-secondary educational institution devoted to transportation research, education or technology transfer may apply for membership in CUTC.

Each institution accepted for membership shall designate an individual as its representative with an endorsment from a senior administrator. More than one membership may be maintained at the same university with multiple centers, institutes, divisions, units or specifically identifiable organization devoted to transportation research, education or technology transfer activities. However, each center that is a member shall pay dues to CUTC.
CUTC members must be in good financial standing to be eligible for voting and awards from the organization. Good financial standing as determined to have paid annual dues within four months after the invoicing date of July 1 of the same year. All CUTC member institution will have all the benefits of membership (including voting and award eligibility).

To qualify for Membership, please provide documents with supporting evidence of the following with
your membership application:

- The applicant organization is part of an identifiable administrative organization of a department, college, university or university system that indicates a serious commitment to transportation research, education or technology transfer.
- The applicant organization has a director (or equivalent), confirmed in writing by a senior administrator who devotes at least part time to the work of the organization.
- The applicant organization has at least two other faculty or senior professional staff engaged in the conduct of transportation research, education or technology transfer.
- The applicant organization has evidence of a statement of purpose, proposal or strategic plan.
- The applicant organization is a continuing program with ongoing financing.
- Must maintain fiscal support to CUTC in terms of annual dues currently set at $800 per year.
All membership applications must be received at least 45 days before a scheduled meeting of CUTC in order for that application to be considered
Primary Delegate/Director:
Secondary Delegate/Faculty Member
Third Delegate/Faculty Member
Supporting Documents
The maximum file size for any upload is 10 MB.

Signature and Title of University/College Authority *