H/L Kappa League Application 2023-2024

Hyattsville/Landover (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
Kappa League

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Student Information

(You must list either a cell phone number or a home phone number)
List the Courses enrolled in this semester
What colleges, universities or other schools would you like to attend? (Seniors must complete this section with 6 choices. Others may stop at 3 choices.)

Parent Information

Tell Us About You

Essay on Leadership

Emergency Contact Information (other than parent or guardian)

Participants who have health issues such as allergies or other illness, take medication (prescription or over-the-counter), or use emergency medical devices such as inhalers or Epi-pens should answer Yes.


If you answered Yes, the Participant Health/Medication Profile Form must be downloaded (from our website or from email), completed and emailed to info@hlkapsi.org one (1) week after the Kappa League Program Application is due.   If you answered No, you will not need to complete the Participant Health/Medication Profile.

Participants who are enrolled in a Maryland public or private school should answer Yes. If the answer was No, or the participant was home-schooled or is enrolled in school outside of Maryland, then the MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE IMMUNIZATION CERTIFICATE is required. Email the completed certificate to info@hlkapsi.org no later than one (1) week after the Kappa League Program Application is due. The form can be downloaded at:



Consent Forms
