San Francisco Recreation and Park Department

Amplified Sound Application

Application for event is: *

CONTACT INFORMATION                                                                           

Primary Contact:
Person in charge at event (if different):

EVENT INFORMATION                                                                             

Proposed Hours of Amplified Sound:
Person in direct charge of Sound Equipment and/or Sound Truck:
Will your activity take place within 450 feet of a hospital, school, church, courthouse, mortuary, public library, or city hall? (250 feet=approximately one city block)


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:  The above information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.  I understand that the permit is granted on the basis of the information supplied in the application, and that the permit may be denied or revoked if found to be incorrect and/or incomplete. If my event changes, I must file a new amended application. I further understand that the City may monitor the event, and that failure to comply with any conditions placed on the permit approval or local law my result in the immediate revocation of the permit. *


**************************** FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ****************************



(This application constitutes a permit only if validated)



Location: ______________________________________________


Day ______________     Date _________________Hours ______  am/pm  to  _______ am/ pm



SF Rec. & Park Approval by:_________________________________________


Print Name: _______________________________________


SFPD Receipt Acknowledged: Permit Officer_________________________ Star # __________


Station:  ___________________________________________________


Stipulations and Conditions: ____________________________________________________________




* Sound Level at 250 Feet from perimeter may not exceed 70 decibels or such other level as set forth in the permit

* Permittee shall reduce sound level to a volume requested by law enforcement personnel.

* This permit shall be void immediately if used in conjunction with any illegal activity, or unlawful assembly.



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